Gift Membership

The perfect solution for special occasions and holidays. A National AIDS Fund Gift Membership is a present that can change many lives. We will send a personalized letter to recipients noting the generous way you’ve chosen to honor them. We do not include the amount given in the letter.

When you arrange a Gift Membership, the beneficiary will receive membership benefits depending on the level of your donation.

Find out how you can create a Named Fund in honor of your loved one.

Contribute Online

If you are interested in making a secure, encrypted online donation with your credit card, please fill out and submit the following form.

* Required

Email address:*
Title: First Name:* Last Name:* M.I.:
Billing Address 1:*
Billing Address 2:
State:* Province:
Zip/Postal Code:* Country:
Daytime Phone: Ext:
Evening Phone: Ext:

Donation amount: Other amount (below):

Other Amount: $

Credit Card Information

Credit Card Number: Expiration Date:
credit card verification code
This code is the three-digit number printed in the signature space on the back of most credit cards, such as Visa, Mastercard, and Discover cards. The CVV2 number is always the last group of numbers in the signature space on the back of the card. It is not part of your regular credit card number.
Minimum credit card donation $5.00.
We are able to accept only Visa or MasterCard.
Send the information or choose to reset the form.
The National AIDS Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization and some or all of your contribution may be deductible. Consult a qualified tax advisor for guidance in your individual situation.
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